Monday, August 2, 2010

My first post

Ok so this is my first blog, and my first post, so please bear with me. Anyways, a little about me, I'm 19 and I'm a student at Colorado Mountain College in Steamboat Springs, CO. It has been so much fun living here, even though it was in the dorms. This next year coming up me and a few friends are getting our own apartment close to the mountain and I can tell you right now, its going to be an epic year.

As far as my blog goes, I'm going to be posting anything that I like. It could be snowboard videos, photos, articles or reviews. Im going to try and have a video update atleast once a week just of stuff we do around steamboat and the adventures we embark on.

Here's my first video of me and a couple friends up in breck, doing what we love.

4th of July Bowl- Breck from Andrew Burns on Vimeo.

Thanks for checking it out, peace

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